
They organise a concert in the shop for a song festival in the city, the Witch contacts a famous singer to perform. The Bubigirls find out that this singer is doing a challenge on her Bubigram that consists of post an invented dance coreography video and those who do it better and win they will participate in her new videoclip. Everybody, except Candy, want to participate so they start to practice. Candy is leaving because she doesn’t like dancing and she continues with the party’s organization. The Bubiloons arrive at the shop with their task: a cool balloons stage. Minutes before the performance, singer calls telling that she is ill and she won’t be able to sing and they have a panic attack. Finally, Candy plucks up her courage and she sings in front of the whole audience with a guitar and her friends accompany her with the dance that they were practising. In the end, singer what the performance and she likes it so much that they win the challenge and participate in her new videoclip.

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