
MONK and his friends (KIMMY, BEN and DING) have met up to play tennis. When it’s time to choose a partner, the MONK/DING rivalry raises its head to win KIMMY’s favor. The pretty poodle is quickly eclipsed by BEN, who turns out to be a tennis ace. MONK, DING and KIMMY will do anything to get BEN as their partner. But our disaster on paws only manages to attract the attention of an angry porcupine. Finally, after using her legendary charm, KIMMY is victorious. The doubles game begins… An annoyed DING is teamed up with MONK who turns out to be the worst player ever. Worn out, BEN, DING and KIMMY abandon MONK, who decides to work out with an automatic ball machine. Of course, nothing goes as expected and MONK gets totally fatched and hits the machine, which goes crazy and starts pelting him and the porcupine with balls. The porcupine vows to get revenge on MONK…

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